Philae templom

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Philai - Wikipédia. Philai (görög betűkkel: Φιλαί; latinosan: Philae; óegyiptomi eredeti nevén Lak, majd Ai-Lak vagy Pi-Lak) a Nílus egyik apró szigetén álló ókori templomegyüttes Egyiptom és Alsó-Núbia határán. A szigeten található az ókori Egyiptom egyik legnagyobb és a kései ókorban legjelentősebb Ízisz-szentélye.. Philae temple complex - Wikipedia. Philae temple complex Greek : Φιλαί ; Arabic : فيلة ; Coptic : ⲡⲓⲗⲁⲕ The temple of Isis from Philae at its current location on Agilkia Island in Lake Nasser. Philae templom - Philae templom is egyike azoknak az ókori egyiptomi templomoknak, melyek már nem az eredeti helyükön állnak. A templomot át kellett költöztetni Agilkia-szigetére - Philae-szigetéről -, mert a kis asszuáni gát megépítése miatt, az eredeti szigetet, és ezáltal a templomot is elöntötte a folyó vize.. The Temples of Philae - Ancient Egypt Online. Philae is an Egyptian island located in Lake Nasser. During ancient Egyptian times, Philae was the cult center of Isis

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. It measures only about 1,500 feet by 500 feet. Due to its vulnerability to flooding, high walls with granite foundations were constructed around the island and its temples.. Exploring the Philae Temple Complex: A Visitors Guide. Exploring the Philae Temple Complex: A Visitors Guide. Written by Jess Lee

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. Updated Dec 25, 2023. Egypts ancient center for the cult of Isis, the Temples of Philae were venerated from the Pharaonic era through the Greek, Roman, and Byzantine periods with each ruler making their own additions to the stones here.. Philae Temple Complex, Egypt: The Complete Guide - TripSavvy. Address 2VGM+6JQ, Aswan 1, البحر الأحمر 1240271, Egypt The Philae temple complex is one of Egypt s most fascinating ancient sights. It was originally located on Philae Island, a sacred place with connections to the cult of Isis that date back thousands of years.. Philae | Ancient Egyptian Temple, Nile River, Aswan | Britannica. Philae, island in the Nile River between the old Aswan Dam and the Aswan High Dam, in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt. Its ancient Egyptian name was P-aaleq; the Coptic-derived name Pilak ("End," or "Remote Place") probably refers to its marking the boundary with Nubia.. Philae - Temple of Isis - Greco-Roman Period Monuments. Built during the reign of Ptolemy II (Egypts Greco-Roman Period), the Temple of Isis at Philae is dedicated to Isis, Osiris, and Horus. The temple walls contain scenes from Egyptian mythology of Isis bringing Osiris back to life, giving birth to Horus, and mummifying Osiris after his death.. Philae templom | Egyiptom Travel | Asszuán - YouTube. Egyiptom Travel. Asszuán legérdekesebb látnivalója a Philae-i templom, amely ma az Agilkia-szigeten található a két asszuáni gát közötti vízterületen


A templom a késői egyiptomi .. Philae Temple - Discovering Ancient Egypt

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. Philae in Greek or Pilak in ancient Egyptian, meaning the end, defined the southern most limit of Egypt. It was begun by Ptolemy II and completed by the Roman Emperors. Kiosk of Trajan oil paintingThe Temple was dedicated to the goddess Isis, the wife of Osiris and mother of Horus.. Philae Temple, Philae Island - Journey To Egypt


The monuments of Philae cover four major epochs: the last part of the Pharaonic era, the Ptolemaic period, the Roman epoch and the Christian period. The chief monuments are the Temple of Isis (1) and her son Horus (Harendotus) (2), the beautiful Arch of Hadrian (3), the Temple of Hathor (4) and the Kiosk (5), which is also known as Pharaohs Bed.. Philae Temple, Aswan: A Visitors Guide — The Discoveries Of. Philae Temple is a stunning island temple in Aswan. Plan your visit to the temple of Isis with this insiders guide. So youre planning your trip to Philae Temple? Lets get the biggest thing out of the way first - Philae Temple is stunning.. The Philae Temple Complex, Complete Guide: Egypt - Africanian. The Philae temple complex is one of Egypts most fascinating ancient sights. It was originally located on Philae Island, a sacred place with connections to the cult of Isis that date back thousands of years. The current temple complex was started by 30th-dynasty pharaoh Nectanebo I and added to by the rulers of the Greek, Roman and Byzantine .. A Philae templomegyüttes feltárása: látogatói útmutató. Philae-templom Egyiptom ősi központja Isis kultuszának, a Philae templomainak a fáraói korból a görög, római és bizánci időszakok alatt tisztelgettek, ahol minden uralkodó saját magával egészítette ki a köveket.. Philaei templom | | Nílus Travel Magazin. Egyiptom egyik legszebb látnivalója a Philae templom Núbiában, mely Egyiptom déli határán található. Az Aswan közelében lévő monstrumban a központi Isis templomhoz az idők folyamán több kisebb szentélyt is építettek. A rendkívül jó állapotban megmaradt épületegyüttest Pearl of Egypt-nek, azaz „Egyiptom gyöngyének" is neveznek.. Temple of Philae | What to see, opening hours and prices - As with the Temple of Luxor or the temples of Abu Simbel, the Temple of Philae can also be visited while enjoying a sound and light show at night. It is a performance highlighted by a play of cold and warm colors, with images projected on the walls and immersive and immersive sounds, all designed to make the visit magical and for the reliefs of .. Temple of Philae in Aswan (9 Amazing Things You Cant Miss). The Temple of Philae, gracefully poised on Agilkia Island in Aswan, is an undisputed highlight for those exploring the wonders of Egypt.. Philae Temple Complex - Madain Project (en). Philae Temple Complex (مجمع معبد فيلة), now located on Agilkia Island, was originally built near the expansive First Cataract of the Nile in Upper Egypt on the Philae Island. The main temple on the island of Philae is the Temple of Isis, but there also a number of smaller temples and shrines dedicated to other deities and Pharaohs .. Philae: The Pearl of Egypt | Temple of the World: Sanctuaries, Cults .. The main temple on Philae was dedicated to the goddess Isis, but other Egyptian and Nubian gods, and not only those in Osiriss circle, had shrines there too. Hathor was worshiped here, as was the deified Imhotep, and the gods of the First Cataract of the Nile Khnum and Satet. Mandulis and Arensnufis, who enjoyed great honor especially among .

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. All You Need to Know About the Astonishing Temple of Philae. The Temple of Philae, located on the serene Agilkia Island in Lake Nasser, Egypt, stands as a historical jewel beckoning exploration. This architectural marvel, originally located on Philae Island, was painstakingly relocated to preserve its splendour from the Aswan High Dams rising waters. Steeped in rich history, the temple was a .. Five Facts About Philae Temple, Aswan | Literary Tours in Egypt. The Philae Temple is a gem in the crown of the river Nile that stands majestically on Agilkia Island, southern Egypt. This legendary site was built in 690 BC to honour Isis, the Egyptian goddess of healing and magic. As one of the last places of worship built in the classical Egyptian style, the Philae Temple has a complex and fascinating history.. The Philae Temple in Egypt: What to Know Before You Go!. Philae Temples construction was completed about 690 A.D., making it the last of the ancient temples built in the classical Egyptian style. It was created to honour the goddess Isis and is an outstanding demonstration of a cult based on the story of Isis and Osiris. The temple of Philae was regarded as the most sacred of all the temples by .. Philae Temple Aswan Facts | Philae Temple History | The Temple of Isis. Philae temple is located in one of the most important monumental sites in Aswan " The Nubian City ". It was a rocky island that was called in Hieroglyphic " Apo " which means Ivory. It is located 12 km south of Aswan on Aglika Island, downstream of Aswan High Dam and Lake Nasser.. Megújult a 124 éves kápolnatemplom Esztergomban | Sokszínű vidék. Az 1900-ban épült kis templom neoromán stílusú és érdekessége többek között, hogy alaprajza a görög-kereszt alakját formázza. A létesítmény előtt, a stációsor befejező jelenete, a golgotai szcéna látható. Itt Krisztus mellett egy-egy lator szobrát látjuk, illetve Mária és János evangélista alakja áll. .. Soltész: Egy kápolna vagy templom felújítása is a társadalom .. Az egyház nem önmagában áll, bár egy templom gyönyörű szép, és megadja egy város jellegét, egy kápolna gyönyörű szép, és megadja egy hegynek a kedvességét, de sokkal inkább az a fontos, amit az épületen keresztül üzen az egyház: a társadalom szolgálata - mondta a Miniszterelnökség egyházi és nemzetiségi kapcsolatokért felelős államtitkára vasárnap .. Divine moment or political gimmick? India gears up to inaugurate huge .. The huge Ram Mandir temple still under construction in Ayodhya, built where a mosque was torn down by a Hindu mob in 1992 after decades of disputes. Photograph: Rajat Gupta/EPA.. Graffito of Esmet-Akhom - Wikipedia. The Graffito of Esmet-Akhom, also known by its designation Philae 436 or GPH 436, is the last known inscription written in Egyptian hieroglyphs, carved on 24 August AD 394.The inscription, carved in the temple of Philae in southern Egypt, was created by a priest named Nesmeterakhem (or Esmet-Akhom) and consists of a carved figure of the god Mandulis as well an accompanying text wherein .. Philae Temple: The Temple of Time as a Marker of Egyptian History. Like Abu Simbel, Philae Temple stands as a testament to global cooperation and a love of shared history and culture. Stone by stone, for over 50,000 of them, Egypt and the world worked to save the complex. Today, as it has done for thousands of years, it draws visitors from all over the world. "Philae Temple," thought to be of Nubian origin .. Exploring Kom Ombo Temple: A Visitors Guide | PlanetWare. One of Kom Ombos wells near the mammisi. On the terrace in front of Kom Ombo Temple is a small, badly ruined birth house (mammisi), built or restored by Euergetes II. In the open space east of the birth house and north of the temple are two large and handsome blocks from an architrave, one of them bearing the name of Neos Dionysos.. When Isis Was Queen - Archaeology Magazine. By ISMAIL KUSHKUSH. Two monumental pylons form the entryway to the temple of Isis at Philae, which was built by the pharaoh Ptolemy II beginning around 260 B.C. Reliefs on this pylon depict the .. Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae. Brief synthesis. The Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae lie in the Governorate of Aswan. It is a serial property of ten components covering 374.48 ha: Abu Simbel, Amada, Wadi Sebua, Kalabsha, Philae (Island of Agilkia), Old and Middle Kingdom Tombs, Ruins of town of Elephantine, Stone quarries and obelisk, Monastery of St. Simeon, and .. A Guide to Visiting Aswan and Abu Simbel, Egypt. Lots of groups do a joint tour of Abu Simbel in the morning and returning to Aswan to visit the Temple of Isis at Philae in the late afternoon, making noon to 2PM a very busy time as well. Boat Transportation: There is only one way to get out to the temple, by boat. The price for a return-trip boat ride is 10EGP per person, however be prepared .. Dodekaschoinos - World History Encyclopedia. Some Nubians held priestly offices at Philae and represented the Meroitic king in diplomatic capacities at the Temple to Isis at Philae. Nubian envoys to Philae are mentioned in various Ptolemaic and Roman contexts bearing gifts, tribute, and diplomatic messages. The Dodekaschoinos After the Roman Conquest of Egypt. Sound and Light Show - Philae - All You Need to Know . - Tripadvisor. RecommendedShows, Concerts & SportsTours & SightseeingShore ExcursionsTransfers & Ground Transport. Sound And Light Show At Philae Temple In Aswan. 6. Theater Shows. from. $60.00. per adult (price varies by group size) Sound and Light in Philae Temple. 5.. The Island Temples of Philae & New Kalabsha - Sailingstone Travel. Philae, a Greco-Roman temple dedicated to Isis, isnt just remarkable for its stunning island location, but also for its history. Philae Island, in fact, was the very last holdout of the ancient Egyptian religion. While Philae remains one of Aswans most popular destinations, fans of island temples also shouldnt miss nearby New Kalabsha.. Visiting Philae Temple Complex in Egypt (Travel Guide) - Magnificent World. Philae is one of the best preserved Ptolemaic temples in Egypt. People have been traveling there for pilgrimages for centuries (once a year). But the temple closed during a prominent Chrisitian period around the year 400 AD. So the temple has seen a lot of history and change over the years. One big change was when the Aswan Low Dam was built on .. THE TOP 10 Aswan Tours & Excursions in 2024 - Viator. Experience the Nile amid the style of a sailing cruise ship on this 5-star 3-night cruise from Aswan. Your Egyptologist guide will escort you to the Aswan High Dam and Philae Temple, accompany you to Kom Ombo Temple and the Temple of Horus at Edfu, and show you the highlights of Luxor, including the Valley of the Kings.. Philae Temple Complex - Explore The History Plus Facts - Egypt Connection


The Philae Temple Complex was on the island of Philae and comprised of the main Temple of Isis, a number of smaller temples and shrines and a nilometer, which is a structure used during the annual flood season for measuring the Niles water level and clarity. Philae is an island in the Nile between the old and new Aswan dams.. Philae Temple: Saved From Destruction - The Not So Innocents Abroad. The Aswan Low Dam flooded Philae Temple, and the new dam, built in the 1970s, would have entirely submerged this historic treasure


For 70 years, thats how the temple remained. But flooding from the Nile persisted to plague the area, and the Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser had dreams of bringing hydroelectric power to the entire country.. Philae Temple Relocation Process - Egypt Tours Portal. The Process of Philae Temple Relocation


The rescue operation started by building a cofferdam, three dames surrounding the temple and an artificial lake to lower the water levels. Then, the monuments were cleaned, measured and dismantled into 40,000 units then transported and assembled on Agilkia Island where it remains until today.. 16 Brilliant Things to do in Aswan, Egypt — The Discoveries Of. Top 5 Things to Do in Aswan. Visit Philae Temple. Learn About Nubian Culture at Nubian Museum. Take a Day Trip to Abu Simbel


Visit Kitcheners Island and the Aswan Botanical Gardens. See The Unfinished Obelisk. Brilliant Things to See & Do in Aswan During the Day. Explore Tombs of the Nobles.. Hunting for Hieroglyphs at Philae - Nile Scribes. Philae Temple was the last Egyptian temple to remain open as a place of worship, largely thanks to the Meroitic pilgrims from south of Aswan, who left large numbers of Meroitic graffiti there. Like most of ancient Egypts sacred monuments, Philae Temple was eventually converted into a Christian church by AD 575, and visitors to the site can .. 18 Top-Rated Attractions & Things to Do in Aswan | PlanetWare. 4. Take a Boat to Philae Temple Philae Temple. The sacred Temple of Isis (more commonly known as Philae Temple) is one of Upper Egypts most beguiling monuments both for the exquisite artistry of its reliefs and for the gorgeous symmetry of its architecture, which made it a favorite subject of Victorian painters. Like Abu Simbel, the temple was saved by the rising waters of Lake Nasser by .. World Heritage Centre - The Rescue of Nubian Monuments and Sites. The Rescue of Nubian Monuments and Sites. The most famous of the monuments affected by the Aswan High Dam Project was the temple complex on the island of Philae

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. Sacred to the goddess Isis, the sanctuary dates mostly to the Graeco-Roman period and was later transformed into a church (540 AD). The following monuments were also threatened by the .. Temple of Isis | Southern Nile Valley, Egypt - Lonely Planet. Temple of Isis. Egypt, Africa. Top choice in Southern Nile Valley. Built to honour the goddess Isis, this was the last temple built in the classical Egyptian style. Construction began around 690 BC, and it was one of the last outposts where the goddess was worshipped. The cult of Isis continued here until at least AD 550.. The Temples of Philae on Agilika Island, Part I: - Tour Egypt. What we refer to today as Philae is the main temple complex relocated from that island, after the High Dam was built, to the island of Agilika. It was the center of the cult of the goddess Isis and her connection with Osiris, Horus, and the Kingship, during the Ptolemaic period of Egyptian History. Today, there are two dams at Aswan but of .. Top 12 Fascinating Facts About Philae. Inscriptions on the temple / Pixabay 4. The oldest structure probably dates back to the 7th century B.C. Even though the evidence doesnt make it 100% certain, its assumed that the first shrine on the island was built here in the 7th century B.C., more specifically by Pharaoh Taharqa (reign between 690-664 B.C.) of the 25th Dynasty. One of the most remarkable facts about Philae is that .. 菲萊 (埃及) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书. 菲萊神廟(英語: Philae temple ),位於埃及 阿斯旺,修建在阿斯旺城南尼羅河中的菲萊島上,供奉的是愛神伊西斯,以石雕及石壁浮雕上的神話故事聞名於世,是保存古埃及宗教最久的地方。. Philae Temple (Temple of Isis) - What To Know BEFORE You Go | Viator. The basics


Visiting Philae Temple combines two classic Aswan experiences: Ancient Egyptian architecture and cruising the Nile River. Philae Temple tours include boat transfers to Agilkia Island, a short journey with great views. Once there, find inner sanctuaries, a hypostyle hall, and lots of bas reliefs; unless you read hieroglyphics, guided .. Felucca to Philae Temple - Aswan Forum - Tripadvisor. 5. Re: Felucca to Philae Temple. 1 year ago. Save. Philae Temple is technically on an island in a lake created by the two dams. As others have pointed out you need to first drive to the place where the transfer boats are all located for them to then ferry you over. The boats used are motor boats and not feluccas.

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. The Island Temple of Philae in Aswan, Egypt - Road Unraveled. Philae is Egypts island temple, a large complex built between 380 and 362 BC. Located in the Nile River, close to the point where the river widens into Lake Nasser, the name Philae represents two different islands that shared a moniker despite the fact they were more than 60 miles apart. The smaller of the islands boasted the most impressive .. Temple of Philae - An island temple dedicated to the goddess Isis. Temple of Philae

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. Located on a peaceful island and dedicated to the goddess of love, the Temple of Isis was almost lost in floods when the Aswan Dam was built in the 1960s. Thankfully it was rescued, and it is now one of Egypts most beautiful and best preserved ancient sanctuaries. Book tickets.. EGYPT☀️PHILAE: ALL you want to know about the temples . - YouTube. I could have written "the temples of Philae" as there are in fact several. The monuments were built on the island over 600 years! The principle temple is ded.. A Philae-templomkomplexum felfedezése: Látogatói útmutató. A hitelesség nevében Agilkiat még parkosítottuk, hogy megfeleljen a templom eredeti helyének, a Philae-szigeten. Az Izisz temploma. A modern turisták hajóval érkeznek, és az Isis-templom legrégebbi részén, a Nectanebo kioszkjában kezdik meg túrájukat. A fő templom bejáratát az Első Pilon őrzi, egy 18 méter magas .. Egyptian deities (article) | Khan Academy. Her famous temple on the island of Philae was the last functioning Egyptian temple and her worship there continued until the 6th century C.E. Isiss influence outside of Egypt (such as in ancient Rome) was substantial. She was connected with other goddesses, such as Astarte and Aphrodite, and had temples at Byblos, Athens, and Rome. .. 2023 Aswan: Sound and Light Show at Philae Temple - Tripadvisor. enjoying the Sound and Light Show at Philae Temple. Journey through the narrated legends of the Goddess Isis & God Osiris. from. $57.70. per adult. Lowest price guarantee Reserve now & pay later Free cancellation. Ages 6-60

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. Duration: 2h. Start time: Check availability.. Philae Temple Complex, Aswan: Facts, History, Opening Hours - Agate Travel. The Philae Temple Complex, located close to Aswan (Southern Egypt), is one of the most fascinating landmarks of Egypt

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. Marked as one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the place is often dubbed as a marvelous feat in ancient engineering. Deeply connected to the cult of Isis dating back to the 7th century, the temple was constructed by Nectanebo I.. Philae Temple: Facts, Plan, Architecture and History - Egypt Private Tours. Philae Temple was an important religious center in ancient Egypt and served as a pilgrimage site for devotees of the goddess Isis. Worshipers would make offerings, perform rituals, and seek blessings from the goddess, believing that she held the power to heal and protect. The temple complex also played a significant role in the annual flooding .. Full-Day Tour of Philae Temple, High Dam and Unfinished Obelisk - Viator. Philae temple one of the amazing complex temple built by sandstone over periods,and it moved from old Island to agileka island by helping unisco organization High dam is an one big project had built in 1960 rescue Egypt from flooding Unfinished obelisk an one of obelisk in old quarry back to the queen Hatshepsut Dont hesitate and join with us. 18 Fascinating Facts About Philae Temple - The Philae Temple, also known as the Temple of Isis, is situated on Philae Island in southern Egypt. It is dedicated to the goddess Isis, who was considered the mother of all pharaohs and a symbol of fertility and protection. The temple complex dates back to the Ptolemaic dynasty and is renowned for its stunning architecture and religious .. One-Week Itinerary for Egypt - TripSavvy. Amongst these was Philae Temple, which was relocated block-by-block to higher ground on nearby Agilkia Island. During your visit to Philae, your guide will explain its connections to the goddess Isis and how the 30th-dynasty pharaoh Nectanebo I was the first to start work on the temple complex. Today it bears evidence of additions by rulers of .. Tickets & Tours - Philae Temple (Temple of Isis), Aswan - Viator. Perched on an island in the Nile River, Philae Temple is ancient history thats been saved stone by stone. A relocation effort moved Philae Temple to Agilkia Island when the UNESCO World Heritage Site was threatened by flooding; today, thanks to the move, visitors can still admire hieroglyphic reliefs abutting soaring columns and sanctuaries dedicated to the ancient gods Horus, Isis, and Hathor.. Everything You Need To Know To Plan An Incredible Trip To Egypt - Forbes. Dont miss the Philae Temple, often referred to as the Pearl of the Nile, that was rescued by UNESCO and moved to higher ground after the Aswan High Dam was built. At sunset, take out a Felucca .. Philae Temple Sound & Light Show. This significant temple is the most popular tourist spot for the 18th and 19th centuries. Enjoy an exceptional journey at the Philae temple Sound and Light show, which will steal your heart by revealing the ancient secrets and mysteries. You can choose between 10 languages to hear this legacy. All the information needed is available on our .. Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae - History Hit. The temple of Philae was a place where people could worship the goddess Isis, becoming a popular place of pilgrimage during ancient times. The ruins of the Temples of Kalabsha are, compared to the other sites, new. They were created during the Roman period of Egypt, completed around 30 BC.. Abu Simbel To Forgotten Temples: 10 Ancient Egyptian . - TheTravel. The Philae Temple is an island-based impressive temple complex mostly built by the Ptolemies during the Greek period of Egypt (around two-thirds of the structures date from this period). There are also structures at Philae dating from earlier times and from later Roman times. Date: From 7th Century BC. Sailing On A Felucca To The Philae Temple, Aswan

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. The Philae Temple or The Temple of Isis which celebrates the Goddess Isis was built around 690 BC and is one of the last outposts where the goddess was worshipped. The cult of Isis continued until at least AD 550. In its prime, it was considered to be one of the most sacred of all temples, by both the Egyptians and the Nubians.. Temple of Edfu - Wikipedia. The Temple of Edfu is an Egyptian temple located on the west bank of the Nile in Edfu, Upper Egypt. Esna, the Temple of Kom Ombo, and Philae. Its size reflects the relative prosperity of the time. The present temple, which was begun "on 23 August 237 BC, initially consisted of a pillared hall, two transverse halls, and a barque sanctuary .. The Philae Obelisk, Hieroglyphs and Understanding a Vanished Culture. Egyptian Philae obelisk and House of Egyptologist William John Banks, Kingston Lacy, UK (CC BY-SA 2.0) Today, Egyptologists know that the inscription is a recording of a dialogue between the Egyptian priests and the Hellenistic pharaoh requesting an exemption from certain tax laws because they were financially onerous on the temple system.. Top 6 Landmarks on a Nile Cruise from Luxor to Aswan - TheCollector. Philae Temple holds detailed monuments, precious statues, and various artifacts that date from its foundation until the 6th century CE. Ptolemaic rulers such as Ptolemy II Philadelphus dedicated the temple to Isis, Osiris, and Horus. The famous story of these three can be found carved onto the walls of the temple. Coptic Christian artifacts and ..